Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Bakers Island 12th week

August 2015 is the one year anniversary of Essex Heritage ownership of Bakers Island Light Station, after more than 200 years of ownership by US Government.   It is also the 12th week of Mary and Greg being volunteer Keepers of Bakers Island Light Station.   Time flies!

The several hundred guests, since the July 1 start of the  Essex Heritage tour boat, have been amazed at the brightness of the new white surfaces of the Lighthouse and Lantern House.  Amazed at the grooming of the grounds, the "staging" of the Assistant Keepers House with newly refinished floors and walls, retaining evidence of the three eras of living, US Lighthouse Service, US Coast Guard and now 21st century ownership by Essex Heritage.   Tour guides tell guests that lighthouses can be thought of as "America's Castles," some of the oldest structures on our soil.

Bakers Island Light Station became famous in the print and televised media end of July.  On the morning of July 23 a big black helicopter circled the island several times. We thought it was the police, that something terrible had occurred.  Then we found out it was WBZ- TV and our lighthouse dog, Mitchie, made his TV debut on the 6 o'clock news.  Since then, many guests have told us they heard about the boat tours from TV or the Boston Globe.

Family and friends have been out to visit.  Our dear friend Jay picked up gloves and loppers and helped Greg clear an old path from the Lighthouse down to the ocean.  Grandchildren inspired Mary to go swimming off our rocky beach, and to discover the water is much warmer than in Maine!
 Apple tree discovered on new trail

Dramatic summer storms have let us hunker down in our 150 year old Keepers House, feeling safe and sound.  Thunder and lightning right overhead left us a dramatic sunset on July 24, after the storm passed by.  A Blue Moon on July 31 was much more dramatic in the sky than this picture shows.
Blue Moon rising

Every day brings new surprises in weather, in chores to be done, and in guests and friends who arrive spellbound by the natural beauty and historical significance of Bakers Island Light Station.  Even today, the sun rose in the East, then fog horn on for a short time, fog lifted and sun returns.  That's the island life we love.
Caribbean Connection kids from Salem
Flotsam and jetsam on Coast Guard Beach

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