Monday, May 25, 2015

First four days at Bakers Island Light

Neighbor's flags flew at half mast this Memorial Day morning at Bakers Island Light.  Restringing the flag rope from the Lighthouse tower is now on our To Do list.  After four days of settling-in as summer Keepers we are happy and comfortable.  Much reminds us of Seguin Island Light where we were Keepers in 2013.

This island is 3 miles from Salem, but still within the outer harbor, not so wild as Seguin, with close private homes and the shores of Salem, Beverly, Manchester and Marblehead close by.

A 30 day Kickstarter fund raising campaign is in progress to raise funds to repair the outside of Lighthouse tower.  The Naumkeag, the Essex Heritage 18 passenger boat, will start bringing visitors 3x/day after July 1.  The Assistant Keepers house is being remodeled to host paying overnight guests in the future.

Greg and Mary will have the Essex Heritage Boston Whaler to bring our personal family and friends to enjoy our 10 acres of island life.  All our bedrooms face the Atlantic Ocean.  Our 12 year old Black Lab Mitchie, not as sprightly as he was on Seguin, loves sleeping in the sun.  We have a well but we bring drinking water from the mainland.  Power is solar and propane.  We promise a solar shower and good food to all our family and friends who are able to visit us.

E-mail or call us to be our guests, Mary's cell 207-607-3016 or Greg's 207-798-0881.
To reserve a trip on the Naumkeag call Essex Heritage 978-740-0444.  To donate to Lighthouse restoration, type in Essex Heritage on the  web site.

A weekly blog with island pictures will follow.
Mary & Greg

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Will figure out a time to visit. My nephew Phil will be home 7/3 to 7/8 and really wants to visit too.
