Monday, June 1, 2015

After 10 days on Bakers Island, our Keeper's House feels like home; work and relaxation every day.

Big events of the last week include professional refinishing of wood floors in Assistant Keeper's House, professional painting of all ceilings and Greg and Mary started repainting walls of first room.

We have our two moorings back after diver restored them after winter losses.  We retrieved the Essex Heritage Boston Whaler from its Salem boatyard and made our "maiden voyage" ending in harrowing fog.  We plan to purchase a GPS.  We decided our Whaler is only suitable for 2 or 3 people and our dinghy is way too heavy to use much.  We will be visiting the mainland frequently but tying up to docks as often as possible.

On Saturday we visited near-by Misery Island.  Great Misery, 83 acres, and Little Misery, 4 acres, are managed by the Massachusetts land conservation group, Trustees of Reservations.  We took the closest mooring on the ocean side of the island and hiked the shore land Red Trail.  Misery is mostly gone to wild, but ruins of summer homes devastated in a 1926 brush fire still remain.  When we got over  to the leeward side of the island, about 50 boats (!) were enjoying the hot bright sun of early

Yesterday, Sunday, an early summer Nor' Easter moved in.  Rain, wind, fog horn on and off, then our solar powered batteries failed; no water pump, no electric lights.  We survived!  Ended the day playing Racehorse Canasta by lantern light; slept cozy under down comforters with sweatshirts and socks on.

Looking forward to the July start of the Essex Heritage tour boat.  The Naumkeag, carrying up to 18 passengers,  is the best way for friends and family to visit us.  Call 978-740-0444.

Kickstarter Lighthouse repair campaign off to a good start.  Check Essex Heritage under

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