Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Small island life is like none other.  We see the Atlantic Ocean from every window and from everywhere we walk.  Though we are under a Logan Airport flightpath and can see civilization to the North and West, we mostly listen to the surf, the gulls and the green bell buoy just off shore.  Early mornings and evenings, we are in our own quiet, peaceful world.  The automated Bakers Light doesn't go on until after 9pm in these longest days of the year.

Excitement came with visitors from the island who asked to see the lighthouse, then a staff trip from Essex Heritage.   We climbed the 48 narrow spiral steps to the tower to view 360 degrees of ocean, islands and land.  One cannot but be in awe of the light keepers of old who lit candles or wicks one half hour before sunset until one half hour after sunrise.

Challenges to the modern island dweller are nothing compared to the residents of old,  however a few days without solar electricity, well water pressure, nor heat, were a test of our mettle.  New batteries from the mainland to store our solar power, return of the sun to harness solar power and a trip to the grocery store brought back modern comforts.

Painting and restoration of Assistant Keepers House create satisfying improvements every day.

Apple blooms have gone by, as well as the lilacs, but beach roses are in their high, pink bloom.  Gull eggs haven't hatched yet but  two parents per nest squawk and screech at Mitchie and me if we walk too close.  More and more boats in the channel out to sea as well as in Salem Harbor.  Summer is upon us!
                                                    Sunset from our front porch
                                                    Now a plastic replica of the original
                                                    4th Order Fresnel lens.  Original is
                                                    in the Lighthouse Museum, Rockland ME
                                                    Skipper Greg taking us to Misery Island

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